
Beginning of relocation work for the water mains from Atwater to Wellington/Gaétan-Laberge

To allow for the expansion of Hwy-15 as part of the New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project, Signature on the Saint Lawrence, the consortium in charge of the construction, is continuing its preparatory work south of Hwy-15 in the Borough of Verdun, as announced in public meetings. Over the next few months, two major activities will take place in this sector along the highway between Atwater and Wellington/Gaétan-Laberge: the relocation of the water mains and the partial demolition of the overpasses.

Relocation of water mains from Atwater to Wellington/Gaétan-Laberge

With the relocation of the water mains expected to take from February to the end of summer 2016, this work will require a number of different interventions, some of which – such as the excavation work – will have more impact than others. The main tasks will entail installing retaining walls, surveying and locating the water mains, excavating the soil, installing the new mains and valve chambers and, finally, carrying out backfill activities. To avoid disrupting local traffic, the drilling will be done horizontally under LaSalle Boulevard.

Throughout this process, environmental monitoring will be carried out to ensure compliance with criteria related to noise, air quality and vibrations. When required, temporary anti-noise walls will be erected near the work site and dust control agents will be used. The presence of flagmen and the delineation of the work area will round out the measures taken to ensure the safety of the residents.

At the same time, specific measures will be taken to extract asbestos-contaminated soil to allow for the installation of the water mains. For more information, please see the notice issued in January on this topic : Drilling and excavation work near Highway 15 between the Atwater Interchange and Wellington Street.

Finally, Beginning in March, the dismantling of the overpasses between Atwater and Wellington on Hwy-15 southbound will begin. For more details, check our article about about the partial demolition of overpasses between Atwater and Wellingtonton.

Vibration monitoring

The various jobs carried out along the edges of Highway 15 are likely to generate vibrations in the ground. Monitoring specifically for these vibrations is currently being arranged. Initially, equipment for measuring the vibrations will be placed around the work sites and frequent verifications will be done to ensure we are staying within the prescribed standards. If required, work techniques will be adapted to reduce the vibrations.

During March, experts from Protec Vision Sécurité Inc. will conduct a preconstruction condition survey of the properties in the target sector between noon and 6 PM to determine their condition before the work begins. This evaluation will include taking photos inside and outside of the houses unless the owner refuses. If you have any questions, you can contact the call centre at 514 876-1020 or send an email to [email protected].

Sector where will be carried out preconstruction condition survey - Mars 2016