Signature on the Saint Lawrence would like to inform you that night work will be conducting , in the coming weeks, to complete the installation of the permanent noise barriers behind some residences of Voltaire street and along the Villon Park. Beginning this weekend with the relocation of the highway ramp, this work will take place, from Monday to Friday, 11 pm to 5 am.
Why night work?
Whenever possible, SSL always aims to do daytime construction work to minimize the impact of noise on the neighbourhood. However, to install the last noise barrier panels, SSL must close the highway 132 ramp to Highway 10 to be able to work safely. Such closure carried out during the weekday would cause significant congestion for road users. The impact on regional mobility is not the same during the night, which is why SSL opted for the finalization of the walls at night, from 11 pm to 5 am.
Noise management
SSLC will ensure noise monitoring at the beginning of the night activities to validate noise levels expected. If necessary, an analysis of the situation will be made to ensure that the organization of work is optimized in order to minimize nuisance for residents.