Last Good Neighbourly Relations Committee in its current version for the Verdun / Sud-Ouest / IDS sector
Nearly forty residents came to attend the last Good Neighbourly Relations Committee evening at the Elgar Center in L’Île-des-Sœurs. For this last evening, Caroline-Anne Perreault, Community Relations Advisor, presented the main work in the area of Verdun, Le Sud-Ouest and L’Île-des-Sœurs, and Benoît Chamontin, Mobility Communications Advisor, explained the optimized mobility scenarios associated with it. Important work on René-Lévesque Boulevard in L’Ile-des-Sœurs attracted attention because of a complete closure which will start in June and continue until the end of August, in order to achieve the final configuration of this road.
From 2015 to 2019
Since the very beginning of the project, SSL has been inviting citizens to get informed about the work, to exchange, to ask questions during these meetings, which take place at a frequency of 3 to 4 times a year. Over the year, fifteen members, selected according to specific criteria, have been giving their time and serving as a communication channel in their neighborhood, to inform residents about the work done, on and upcoming. Their relevant questions and interventions during these years helped raise important points and improve the project as a whole.
Also, the close collaboration of Verdun Borough Mayor Jean-François Parenteau is worth mentioning and was significant in the successful conduct of this citizen exercise. In addition to Borough Councilors, the City of Montreal and Infrastructure Canada representatives, SSL wishes to acknowledge the rigor and exemplary work of Dan Genest who chaired the Good Neighbourly Relations Committee until February 2019.