Brossard Good Neighbourly Relations Committee
May 4, 2016
07:00 PM to 09:30 PM
Salle communautaire Nathalie Croteau au 2210 rue André à Brossard
Signature on the Saint Lawrence in charge of the New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project, would like to inform you that the Brossard Good Neighbourly Relations Committee’s first meeting will be held on May 4 at 7 p.m. in the Nathalie Croteau Community Center, at 2210 André Street in Brossard. The public is welcome to attend as observers. The meeting will be held in French.
During this meeting, the 11 committee members will discuss the work that has been completed, the work underway and the work planned from now until fall 2016. This will be followed by a presentation on the permanent noise barriers for the City of Brossard. At the end of the meeting, there will be a question period for the public.
General presentation
Anti-noise wall presentation
Minutes meeting