Update : Night works for the finalization of the noise barriers
Signature on the St. Lawrence (SSL) wishes to inform you that his team will proceed, for the next three nights, to the finalization of the installation of permanent noise barriers on the jersey of the highway 15 (south direction) between LaSalle Boulevard and Wellington Street.
Why working at night?
As much as possible, SSL always aims to achieve daytime activities to minimize the impact of noise on the neighborhood. In order to install noise barrier panels, SSL must close one lane of the Highway 15 to allow safe environment of work. Such closure carried out during the day and during the week, would cause significant congestion for road users. The impact on regional mobility is not the same during the night, which is why SSL opted for the installation of the walls during the night, between 11 pm to 5 am.
Noise management
Several measures have been taken to reduce the noise of the work but it is possible that, despite all these efforts, these works are audible for a short period for some residents. The close proximity of the works with the residences and the necessity to carry them out at night force us to proceed like this. Be assured that this work will be realized quickly and that it aims to mitigate long-term road noise by installing permanent noise barriers.